Transforming Readers
Transforming Readers

Transforming Readers is a volunteer tutoring program for Kindergarten – 2nd grade students who are reading just below grade level. The program provides a strong foundation for early grade reading success because reading proficiency is the most critical skill a student must acquire in order to be successful in school and in life.
The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is pleased to be working in partnership with the Voluntary Action Center and Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging to recruit, screen and manage the volunteer tutors. With extra one-on-one or two-on-one practice with a community volunteer, these students will advance their grade level reading skills faster than they otherwise would have without a tutor.
Our Transforming Readers program is currently providing 280 Kindergarten – 2nd grade struggling readers in the Scranton School District the support they need to gain the skills necessary to read proficiently. The program is currently running in Charles Sumner, John Adams, John F. Kennedy and McNichols Plaza elementary schools with Whittier Elementary beginning in Spring 2019.
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