
Organizations seeking funding must be non-profit, 501(c)(3) health and human service organizations providing in-person, direct services. Funding may be requested for existing programs, new programs or initiatives, program expansion and capital items.

United Way Grant Application Process for Wayne & Pike County

The Wayne County and Pike County United Way Fund Distribution Committee is currently closed for grant opportunities. Over the past 17 years, United Way has successfully distributed over $963,143 to non-profit human service organizations that provide critical programs and services in Wayne & Pike County.

Organizations seeking funding must be non-profit, 501(c)(3) health and human service organizations providing in-person, direct services in Wayne County. Funding may be requested for existing programs, new programs or initiatives, program expansion and capital items. Grants that are made available to organizations range from $500 to $4,000. These funds distributed to the community were raised during last year’s United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne & Pike campaign by individuals, businesses and foundations who specifically wanted to support services for Wayne and/or Pike County residents.

This year’s application is ran through our e-C impact online grant system. In order to apply for funding, you must reach out to William Craven at to get login information. 

The applications will be reviewed by the Wayne County and Pike County United Way Fund Distribution Committee which is composed of volunteers who live and/or work in Wayne County or Pike County. The committee is responsible for all funding decisions.

E-C Impact

e-C Impact is United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne & Pike’s online system for managing our Community Impact process. Through e-C Impact, agencies submit applications for various funding opportunities including annual fund distributions and grants as well as providing reports and accountability documents.

Community volunteers who participate on Community Impact Fund Distribution Committees and other funding review panels also have electronic access to agency and program information to assist in their decision making.